What's Next


Dear Supporter and Friend,

Imagine if you can, a world where there is no more bullying? Where everyone is accepted for who they are. What a wonderful world that would be. Things we once thought were impossible to achieve all began with baby steps. “IMAGINARY BOY: A New American Musical” has the unique and special opportunity to “go public” in Washington, D.C., at the invitation of Senators from both sides of the aisle. The musical is based on the real life bullying experiences of our book-writer, Stephen McCall who was not only able to survive the abuse but transform it into something life affirming; unlike many others who were less fortunate.

What Your Support Means to Us 

In addition to the sweat-equity of the many volunteers involved in making our baby steps happen, we need to raise money to cover the production costs to take this first significant step. Your financial contribution will help us launch our grass roots journey of education and enlightenment, and allow IMAGINARY BOY to be seen by elected officials, foundation reps, and artistic directors of both the D.C. theater and education communities. We are also inviting team members from the Office of The First Lady, as she has announced specific financial support for educational projects dealing with cyber-bullying.

Raising the consciousness of the collective begins with the individual. Children can be taught; awareness can be raised; and bullying can be at the very least diminished if not abolished. Your tax-deductible support could make all the difference. IMAGINARY BOY is presently a non-profit endeavor, under the fiscal sponsorship of Living Lotus Project LLC, whose mission is to foster theatrical projects dealing with abuse. Your donation will enable us:

  • to mount IMAGINARY BOY as a two-week Equity workshop/ presentation.

  • to travel roundtrip by bus rental to D.C. for a full day of presentations.

  • to perform a morning presentation, sponsored by elected officials in the theater at The Library of Congress.

  • to perform a second presentation for members of The Office of The First Lady.

We believe that however many steps it may take, IMAGINARY BOY will find its way into theatrical and educational communities everywhere, encouraging students and families to have this important conversation about the problem of bullying via Q+A’s. guest speakers, and a personalized study guide, and finding a publisher so schools can perform it for themselves.

Sylvia Hoke